Export of building materials from Dogaron border in 1403
According to the Khorasan Razavi news agency, the director general of the Dogaron/Afghanistan border customs said that the export of construction materials with more than 2,500 Afghan trucks was moved to Afghanistan from Iran.
Average exports to Afghanistan
The average load of each truck was 40 tons, which was loaded from the Dogaron Special Economic Zone, and most of the building materials exported to Afghanistan are cement, gypsum, iron, tiles and ceramics, which play a major role in the construction of the country’s development projects.
Dogaron border export destination cities
Ninety percent of construction materials exported from Iran’s Dogaron go to Herat, Afghanistan’s second economic export market.
Rahimizadeh pointed to the level of trade between Iran and Afghanistan and added: More than 2 million tons of goods are exported from Iran to Afghanistan annually and the goods transited are one million tons.
Export of other items
After tiles and ceramics, food items are the most important exports to Dogaron, which supplies the country’s 30 million-strong market.
The Dogaron border and customs terminal, located 18 kilometers from the city of Taibad and adjacent to Afghanistan, is among the top five economic terminals in the country.
The bulk of the customs work is the transit of goods through Bandar Abbas.
merchants’ goods
Goods of Afghan, Pakistani and sometimes Indian traders and other neighboring nations of Afghanistan are transported to Bandar Abbas and Bandar Langa customs through the Persian Gulf countries and from there to the official Dogaron border crossing.
The 145,000-strong city of Taibad is located 225 kilometers southeast of Mashhad.